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Welcome to the bicentennial!

The 2025 jubilee commemorates the bicentennial of the first organized emigration from Norway to America. In 1825, the Restauration sailed from Stavanger to New York with 52 Norwegian emigrants on board. Emigration and immigration still take place. Whereas Norwegians previously emigrated to America and elsewhere in search of a better life, others now immigrate to Norway to find freedom, security, and new opportunities here.

This year's main topic, migration, encompasses both historical emigration from Norway, and current immigration to Norway. Throughout the year, a myriad of events and projects will focus on both perspectives.

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    Students visiting the Norwegian Emigrant Museum

This is the english version of the Norwegian Crossings 200 website. You might also like to check out the American Crossings 200 website.

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.06
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2