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The jubilee

By adding new perspectives, this bicentennial enables an update to Norway's emigration history and will contribute to increased inclusion and understanding of today's multicultural society. One country's emigrant is another country's immigrant, before and now. So how can we compare the two? Which similarities and differences are there?

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Recent research into Norwegian emigrant history offers interesting insights into myths and misunderstandings, cultural encounters and social hierarchies. Several research projects are ongoing. Based on recent research, the upcoming exhibition "Unknown landscape" at the Norwegian Emigrant Museum will offer a new understanding of the history we thought we knew.

The emigrant bicentennial is part of a jubilee relay for the National Jubilee 2030 – A thousand Years of Norway, with migration and identity as the theme for 2025.

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    Celebrating the Centennial in Minneapolis/St Paul in 1925. Anno Norsk utvandrermuseum
Museum24:Portal - 2025.01.07
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2